Works of this author

Salomon Corrodi

Corrodi Salomon

Fehraltorf 1810 / Como 1892


Pupil of Johann Jakob Wetzel in Zurig, he reached Rome in 1832, well received by both the Swiss and German communities.
In Rome he started to work in Franz Catel’s studio, initially with the oil and than watercolour technique.
In 1881 he became member of the Watercolours’ Society in Rome and exhibited Marina di Vico Equense: Gulf of Naples, Villa d'Este in Tivoli e Riva de' Schiavoni in Venetia at the VI exhibit.
Corrodi is to be considered one of the major Grand Tour painters who travelled around Italy to paint suggestive landscapes.
He was appointed professor and honorary member of the San Luca Academy in Rome.
His sons Hermann Corrodi and Arnold Corrodi where also famous painters although they both preferred the oil technique.

Franz Catel (bio)
Arnold Corrodi (bio)
Hermann Corrodi (bio)
Johann Jakob Wetzel (bio)


A.M. Comanducci - Pittori italiani dell'Ottocento - Milano 1934
A.M. Comanducci - Dizionario illustrato pittori e incisori italiani moderni - II ediz. Milano 1945
A.M. Comanducci - Dizionario illustrato pittori e incisori italiani moderni e contemporanei - III ediz. Milano 1962
L. Servolini - Dizionario illustrato incisori italiani moderni e contemporanei - Milano 1955
A. De Gubernatis - Dizionario artisti italiani viventi
Thieme Becker  - Kunstlerlex - 1912


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