Where you can find us
Recta Gallery is interested in acquiring paintings (oil, watercolour, tempera, drawing, pastel etc.) and sculptures (bronzes, marbles, terracotta, wood, plaster cast, wax etc.) from 19th-20th century Italian and international artists from private clients. While guaranteeing full professionalism and confidentiality, we can offer estimations of single artworks, entire collections, or bequests. Recta Gallery can also arrange for the curation and selling of such works (consignment agreement).
Recta Gallery searches for catalogues from monographic fairs and exhibitions from 1850 to 1950.
To send us information about artworks that may be of interest to us, you can:
- Send an email to info@galleriarecta.it with your contact details, the description of the painting/sculpture, the dimensions, and any related information you may have, attaching the image of the artwork
- Send a picture, as well as the related details and information, along with your contact details via whatsapp to Stefania Diamanti, +39 320 4190 525
- Complete the form which can be found below.