...come chi trasfigura

...come chi trasfigura

Fondazione Il Vittoriale degli Italiani "Villa Mirabella" fino al 27 dicembre 

"...come chi trasfigura"

opere scelte, dipinti, disegni, pastelli di Dolores Puthod

Mostra antologica che ripercorre il lavoro svolto dall'artista durante 65 anni di attività pittorica
Fondazione Il Vittoriale degli Italiani: Villa Mirabella

To be born a painter is undoubtedly a rare privilege; but to be born an art lover and painting enthusiast is a bigger stroke of luck and – after all – not so rare. Indeed, a painter, as we know, has to deal with lights and colour tubes; with the plane surface of the canvas and the third (if not fourth) dimension; with reality as well as ideas; with both tradition and innovation. The “art lover”, on the other, hand has only to put himself in front of the painting and contemplate it – with admiration … Diego Valeri “Magia della pittura” catalogo VIII premio Michetti 1954