"Torre di Pisa e biciclette" 1952 Olio su tela sabbiata 100x73 cm
"Bagnanti a Monterosso" 1929 Olio su tela 45x55 cm
"Dessins" 1994 Litografia a colori 77x58 cm (Album di 6 litografie)
"Senza titolo" 1991 Olio su tela sabbiata 70x70 cm
"I monumenti di Ravenna" 1973 Acquforte 50x70 cm (Cartella con 6 acquaforti)
"Rue des Ponchettes, Nice" Olio su tavola 27x35,5 cm
"Uomo con cappello da fumo" Olio su tela 41x36 cm
To be born a painter is undoubtedly a rare privilege; but to be born an art lover and painting enthusiast is a bigger stroke of luck and – after all – not so rare. Indeed, a painter, as we know, has to deal with lights and colour tubes; with the plane surface of the canvas and the third (if not fourth) dimension; with reality as well as ideas; with both tradition and innovation. The “art lover”, on the other, hand has only to put himself in front of the painting and contemplate it – with admiration”