Giovanni Battista

Battista Giovanni

Avellino 1858 / Napoli 1925


Born in Avellino to a peasant family, he first painted with his uncle Cesare Uva, a well known pastel painter.
Thereafter he studied in Naples at the Art Institute, pupil of Palizzi, becoming a painter of seascapes, in the tradition of the Posillipo school.
He attended the Neapolitan Promotrici exhibits from 1877 to 1891, the National exhibits in Rome 1883 and in Bologna 1888. Because of economics difficulties, he started to work in his uncle’s shop and his paintings became more commercial, specifically addressed to an audience of foreign tourists.
His works are often hammered in international auctions.

Cesare Uva (bio)


A.M. Comanducci - Pittori italiani dell'Ottocento - Milano 1934
A.M. Comanducci - Dizionario illustrato pittori e incisori italiani moderni - II ediz. Milano 1945
A.M. Comanducci - Dizionario illustrato pittori e incisori italiani moderni e contemporanei - III ediz. Milano 1962

Galletti e Camesasca - Enciclopedia della pittura italiana

L. Callari - Storia dell'arte contemporanea


Promotrice Napoli 1879 / 1880 / 1882 / 1883 / 1884 / 1885 / 1888 / 1891

Promotrice Firenze 1888

Esposizione nazionale Bologna 1888

Esposizione nazionale Roma 1883


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